Showing all 9 results
Bronze package
Recurring payments once a month. 1500+ Live Channels, Basic VOD, No Guide, No Sports
$35.00 / month -
Silver Package
Recurring payments once a month. 1500+ Live Channels, Basic VOD, Adds Live Sports, No Guide
$45.00 / month -
Gold Package
Recurring payments once a month. 1500+ Live Channels, Live Sports, Adds Premium VOD, No Guide
$55.00 / month -
Platinum Package
Recurring payments once a month. 1500+ Live Channels, Live sports, Adds Deluxe VOD, Adds TV Guide
$60.00 / month -
Bonus 1 (3 days PVR)
Can only be added to Bronze, Silver and Gold PackageĀ Recurring payments once a month
$15.00 / month -
Extra Devices
Can be added to all packages Recurring payments once a month
$20.00 / month -
Premium Private Server
Fastest connection, Fastest service, this is purely an option only for those who demand the best from their devices. Private servers have maximum 300 members vs. 35,000,000. 1 account needed per location.
$50.00 every 6 months -
Monthly Device Rental
Devices are arranged in terms of Processors, Ram, Rom, WiFi and Ethernet speed capability.
From: $35.00 / month -
One Time Payment
No Membership Benefits, No Free Updates